The gift of memory is an awful curse.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

This was the first HP book I read. My parents got it for me when i was in year 3 or 4? We had no idea it was the third book of a series. Either way, I read it, it took me a looooong time, but I read it and I liked it.

I wasn't much of a reader at all at the time. I thought that because only the really smart people read books, that books were like goody-good. Then I came across the word "bitch" and i was like "Wow, what!!"

In terms of the film, it was because of this film, that I developed a crush on Hermione, a crush, that to this day still endures *sigh*. Haha

Hermione <3 !!

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